Strømsø, Drammen


Mixed use, transformation

Circular shape and lifespan

A short walk from our own offices in Drammen, you will find what some see as a blemish on the city. What we see is Globus, a human mobility junction. Through re-programming and re-establishment, Globus will have its renaissance.

59.73560°N, 10.21108°E
Nilsen & Grenager (the original architects)
00.0000°N, 00.0000°E

On the shoulders of giants

The original vision from the architects Nilsen & Grenager is true to this day and in many ways, we are standing on the shoulders of those who came before us.

Working in close collaboration with the original architects we were commissioned to transform the traffic-centred historic landmark into its original masterplan with one key difference: It will be people-centric rather than car-centric.

Human centric

The Globus to come will represent a hub for future living and working in Drammen. A nucleus and a generator for urban development that is right for its time. By focusing on the flow of people we can create a heart in the city as a retroactive manifest – a resurrection of the original intent in a way that changes Drammen’s future development.

The new Globus is the old Globus matured with timely care.

Old sins, new flows

The transformation of a busy roundabout is a powerful statement of the importance of people-oriented design in urban planning. For too long, we have prioritized cars over pedestrians, allowing busy roads and intersections to dominate our cityscapes.Transforming the old roundabout into a pedestrian-friendly public square involves removing cars and creating a welcoming, inclusive space that encourages social interaction. By using natural materials, prioritizing accessibility, and incorporating community-led events, architects and urban planners can create a unique public space that enhances the vibrancy of the city and improves the quality of life for its residents.

Perhaps most importantly, a successful public square must be designed to encourage social interactions between people. This can be achieved through the placement of benches and seating areas, the use of lighting to create a sense of safety and community, and the incorporation of community-led activities and events. By designing a space that is welcoming and inclusive, architects and urban planners can create a truly unique public square that brings people together and enhances the overall vibrancy of the city.

Original drawing of the extended top floor. The plan was never put into motion, but it tells of the original architects' vision for how Globus could be transformed while preserving its iconic shape.

Globusgården has 2 main features that make it worth preserving

1: The building provides an entrance to remember the urban planning from approximately 1959-1980, which was based on the premise of the car.

2: The building has architectural interest as a typical but distinctive monument - designed by the city's well-known architects, with an international influence.

Globus was built in three phases from 1962 to 1968. The three parts have their own variations in the facade, but work together to construct a single form.

Building up without tearing down

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